Video Project

Syed Quadri
2 min readNov 15, 2020


The video discusses parents' fears over social media usage among their children. So much of the anxiety of parents over the use of social media stems from this fear that their children’s lives will be permanently destroyed. And we see it online, where people make bad choices and then their lives are changed in very drastic ways many times. But for children, it is important to step back to make them consider, “How can they be more intentional about how they spend their time online?” “and How do they match such principles with those of their own?

The video also goes over steps parents can take to better educate their children on the impact of social media and how they can better regulate it themselves.

The second video goes over parents' concerns about what their children do on social media. It also goes over the steps they have taken to combat the issue. For years, the use of social media by teenagers has troubled parents and teachers, with each subsequent generation seemingly more addicted to electronics than the one before. But the thing that saves them may end up being that.

Children may be the ones who make it out with the least trauma at a time when mental health providers are deeply worried about the effects of sudden and unprecedented loneliness. Unlike older Americans, teenagers are more used to interacting through virtual media. This is their normality. A lot of Teens consider this a blessing with social distancing and stay-at-home measures.

