Social Media also linked to Burnout among Teenagers

Syed Quadri
Nov 14, 2020


Social media is a crucial part of our lives, we rely on it for multiple uses from news to communication, and even a platform to grow our businesses. It has become so ingrained in our culture, that I believe it has the possibility of being a major field of study by itself. With the pandemic on its second wave, the use of social media is going to drastically increase as we embrace another lockdown for the coming winter.

The tweet talks about the negative effects of social media overuse among teens and how it corresponds to adults. Research suggests that social media can cause stress, depression, and anxiety. There are also suggestions that underlying health issues may be exacerbating the problem leading to self-isolation and avoiding communication with others. Now the self-isolation may not sound like a bad thing during COVID, however, it can seriously harm a teenager’s social life.

Most of the studies done were based on photo media mainly Instagram building insecurity among teenagers hurting their self-confidence and also building unrealistic expectations. This has caused unnecessary stress, anxiety, and depression among teenagers leading to burnout of social media. Results found that anxiety related to addiction, jealousy, and social media use were both powerful predictors of burnout. In comparison, anxiety about the use of social media influenced the interaction between addiction to social media and burnout, both in contrast and as a series pair.

With a second wave already in progress, we have to be well aware of the negative effects of social media addiction among teens as we embrace another lockdown.

